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Lack of quality skills that are required for a child to grow into a global citizen capable of managing self and contributing to the society, motivated us to develop a comprehensive package that can be readily adapted by schools and colleges. When implemented as part of the curriculum, it can help develop students into confident and responsible citizens of the Country and the World.

Why Life Skills 360?

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Life Skills 360 - Complete Info

The World Health Organization defines Life Skills as, “the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. Life Skills encompass Knowledge, Skills & Attitude that are required for the social and emotional well-being of students.

Our suite of books for classes PP1 to 10, Life Skills 360, empower students to face the realities of life; these books nurture and transform young individuals into positive and contributing citizens of the world. 

Our books which are in Compliance with National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 cover over 100-odd topics including and not limited to social media addiction, cyber safety, healthy relationships, substance abuse, gender equality, creative thinking, decision making, respect for women & elders, critical thinking, bullying, managing anger, patriotism, culture and heritage, empathy and honesty.

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